A Warm Welcome

Hi all! My name’s Sophie and this is my new blog Humanitarian Girl (I’m new to this so please be patient with me!).

If you’d told me this time last year, in the midst of my third year at uni, that I’d miss the overwhelming stress that comes with essay writing and endless deadlines, you’d definitely be wrong… BUT as much as I’m relieved the late-night library sessions are in the past, I do miss the chance to write about the topics that really inspire me.


My initial idea was to run an Instagram account exploring topics such as migration and refugees. A friend quickly pointed out that I was limited by the length of Instagram captions, and that maybe a blog would be a more effective way to voice what I want to say. That night I was up until silly-o’clock (a nod to my uni days, I honestly am most productive then!) scribbling in my notebook planning things I could write about, and so here I am, giving it a go!


I studied at the University of East Anglia, and obtained a First class degree in the longest degree name in history: International Development with Social Anthropology and Politics (told you!). I plan to do a post explaining what International Development actually involves as a quick google for the best definition uncovers this from Wikipedia: ‘a concept concerning level of development on an international scale’ (wow so much clearer thank you for that). But for now expect content about migration, refugees, volunteering, humanitarianism and awesome charities.

Humanitarian Girl x